Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boy Scout Fun

Since my last post, we have had a couple of special Boy Scout events that went on.

This first one was the Blue & Gold Banquet which was on February 28th. Brian took the pictures as I was sitting in the back (this was when I was sick and I didn't want to pass it on). We had pizza for dinner, the awards ceremony, followed by a magician that was very funny. He was entertaining and had quite a bit of crowd involvement. The kids enjoyed it.

Here is Vincent with his good friend, Carson. They were having a great time, can't you tell? ;-)

Vincent getting his Tiger Cub patch

Vincent being silly while the other cub scouts were getting their awards.

This was for a regular den meeting, but I had to get a picture of his face. It was from school. Since it was Dr. Suess day, they painted the kids' faces, and it just so happened it went really well for being a "Tiger" cub!

Ahh, yes, preparing for the Pinewood Derby, which was March 15th. Mind you, this picture was taken March 15th. By the day of the race, Brian had been back from Louisiana for about 3 weeks. He didn't get the car cut out until Thursday, and then painted it Friday. So Saturday morning wheels were being hammered on, stickers placed for decoration, buttons glued for headlights, and some change grabbed to add/use for weights.

We had a little trouble keeping some of the weights on it, as during one of the races, the dollar coin fell off :-s Vincent had fun, which is good, even if his car didn't win any races. (I circled his car so you can see his)
As you can see in this pic, he got 3rd place! (The best he did all day)

Here's Vincent getting his ribbon. (They all got one ... really important for the little ones)
Vincent proudly showing us his car, with ribbon dangling off his finger.

This next set was taken just this past Monday (the 17th of March) at a regular den meeting. I wasn't there so I get to interpret the pictures Brian took. This first one is just Vincent, but notice the non-uniform green pin? It was St. Patrick's Day, so I figured a little pin would look better than the green derby hat he wore earlier :-)
On the hunt for the perfect pinecone ... and he found it!
Now to put some peanut butter on it. (I found out later from Brian that after putting the pb on the pinecone, Vincent proceeded to lick the popsicle stick ... :-s )
After being rolled in birdseed and hung in a tree, we have a nice, little bird feeder!

Also at this meeting they planted seeds.
I don't know what kind, but he planted them. :-)
Here he is with the finished product. Now if it would only start growing ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow these kids are looking really good, i think u people are very happy and lucky
enjoy life